American Society of Magazine Editors
Magazines are successful only if
readers trust the information and advice given. This trust can be broken all
too easily—by either perception or reality. ASME has created these guidelines
to ensure that the clear distinction between advertising and editorial
content is never blurred. In October 1996, ASME announced the
following standard for editorial independence, in an effort to affirm the
highest standards in magazine journalism, and to underscore magazine editors'
traditional independence from untoward commercial or other extra-journalistic
pressures. The chief editor of any magazine must
have final authority over the editorial content, words and pictures that
appear in the publication. Editors and their publishers have an
obligation to enforce and maintain the best journalistic practices. If, for
example, a reader gets the impression that an article was created or altered
to satisfy an advertiser or special interest group, that reader is likely to
discount the content of the article and distrust the publication—and the
brand. In September 1997, Magazine
Publishers of America and ASME issued a joint statement about notifying
advertisers of editorial content prior to publication. As editors and publishers, we
strongly believe that editorial integrity and credibility are the magazine
industry's most important assets. As a result, we believe that magazines
should not submit table of contents, text or photos from upcoming issues to
advertisers for prior review. We are confident that editors and publishers
can inform advertisers about a publication's editorial environment or
direction without engaging in practices that may at the very least create the
appearance of censorship and ultimately could undermine editorial
independence. Since the guidelines cannot possibly
cover every situation that arises, we hope that all magazine editors and
publishers will respect ASME's guidelines in spirit
and in practice. Due to the volume of inquiries in recent years, ASME cannot
pass judgment or grant approval on proposed content before publication. If an
editor or publisher is not sure whether an ad or article complies with these
guidelines, ASME suggests proceeding with caution-when in doubt, slug it
"advertisement" or "promotion," as detailed in the
guidelines. Make sure it is easy for readers to tell what kind of content it
is. In order to ensure that online
entities with an editorial component also maintain the highest standards,
ASME and Magazine Publishers of America jointly issued "Best Practices
for Digital Media" in August 2000. Please note: Any magazine that
willfully or repeatedly violates these guidelines will be declared ineligible
for National Magazine Awards, and the editor
ultimately responsible for the violations (if a member of ASME) may be
expelled from the organization. |
The layout, design and typeface of advertising pages should be distinctly
different from the publication's normal layout, design and typefaces. Any page
of advertising that contains text or design elements that have an editorial
appearance must be clearly and conspicuously identified with the words
"advertising," "advertisement" or "promotion"
horizontally at or near the center of the top of the page in type at least
equal in size and weight to the publication's normal editorial body type face.
At no time should a magazine's name, logo or editorial staff be used in a way
that suggests editorial endorsement of any advertiser. Specifically:
(a) No advertisement or purely promotional contest may be
promoted on the cover of the magazine or included in the editorial table of
contents. This includes cover stickers and other onserts.
(b) In general, the publication's name or logo should not appear on any
advertising pages except when advertising the magazine's own products and
services. The magazine's name or logo may be used to label its own
multi-advertiser sections (e.g., classified ad pages, seasonal gift guides),
merchandising joint promotions, and contests conceived or controlled by the
publisher, but those pages must carry the words "advertising,"
"advertisement" or "promotion," as detailed in Guideline
No. 1.
Advertising pages should not be placed adjacent to related editorial material
in a manner that implies editorial endorsement of the advertised product or
services, including advertising that features the same celebrity or product image
as the cover image. No advertising copy should state or imply advertiser
control or improper involvement in the preparation of editorial materials in an
Similarly, an advertiser's name or logo may not be used on any editorial pages
to suggest advertising sponsorship of those pages, nor should any editorial
page be labeled as "sponsored" or "brought to you" by an
advertiser. If an advertiser's name appears on an editorial page to indicate
sponsorship of special awards or events, its logo should not be used.
On editorial pages that contain free give-aways, the
copy should make it clear that it is an editorial page and not a promotional
one. If an advertiser or outside organization provides the prize or prizes for
an editorial contest, sweepstakes or free offer featured on editorial pages,
the editorial copy must not suggest an endorsement of that advertiser's
products or services and must not feature the advertiser's or product's logo.
The contest must remain under the editors' sole control, and the participating
advertiser may not be involved in the contest judging or any aspect of the
editorial presentation.
Names of products (brand names) should not appear on the cover when promoting
deals, contests, discounts and free give-aways.
Advertising and marketing staff should not use
editorial titles (e.g. merchandising editor).
In order for the publication's chief editor to have the opportunity to monitor
compliance with the guidelines, advertising pages should be made available to
the editor in ample time for review and to recommend any necessary changes.